--- In Pali@yahoogroups.com, "Dmytro O. Ivakhnenko" <aavuso@...> wrote:
> Dear Thomas,
> > Could anyone in this group tell me what Unicode font for Romanised
> > Pali and Sanskrit characters is currently used widely in today
> > computer typing? Indic Time, Gentium, or others?
> Since there is no common standard, I use the following tag:
> <body style="font-family: Times Ext Roman, VU Times, CN-Times,
> Thryomanes, sanvijjo, Code2000, Arial Unicode MS, TITUS Cyberbit Basic,
> Gentium, Tahoma, Lucida Grande">
> Good luck,
> Dmytro

Dear Friends,

I am actually having a similar problem as a copyeditor of a Buddhist
Studies journal. I'm looking for a unicode/Mac font that we can use
for Sanskrit and Pali words in Word documents (NOT the Web). Any
