> The reading is ok. vaapii (cf. Sanskrit vaapii) is feminine, and so
is the
> loc. aññissa.m of añña: other, different.
> Regards,
> Ole Pind

Dear Ole,
Thank you for your message. However what I don't understand is that
according to Buddhatdatta añña is declined as ya (p49) and the closest
form I found in his declension table (and also in Pali Lookup) was
aññesa.m and not aññisa.m. Hence my choice of a gen. plural which I
rendered by "in the tank belonging to others".
By looking again at the table I found the form aññassa.m/aññaaya.m for
this pronoum in the feminine locative singular, but not aññissa.m.
Always according to Buddhadatta, aññissa.m would be correct if it was
similarly declined as the demonstrative pronoum ima.
Could you please help me a bit more with this matter?

I remember actually spending quite a bit of time on that sentence and
I am not sure which translation is the more accurate now:

12.Aparo aññissa.m vaapiya.m nahaatvaa pubbaaya disaaya nagara.m paavisi.
another / [of] others / [in] tank / having bathed / eastern /
direction / city / entered
Having bathed in the tank belonging to others, one man entered the
city in the eastern direction.


12.Aparo aññissa.m vaapiya.m nahaatvaa pubbaaya disaaya nagara.m paavisi.
another / [of] others / [in] tank / having bathed / eastern /
direction / city / entered
Having bathed in another tank, one man entered the city in the eastern

Kind regards,
