From: Khemaramsi
Message: 10013
Date: 2006-02-18
> Dear Tzung Kuen, Rett, and all,Tipitaka of
> The set of Syaamara.t.thassa Tepi.taka.m (Pali
> Siam) in 45 volumes is available at Mahamakutenquire at
> The price is not shown on the website but you can
> books@...edition
> Best wishes
> Chanida
> rett <rett@...> wrote:
> Dear Tzung Kuen and group,
> >
> >Could you recommend a complete tipitak of Thai
> >and tell me how to order it? A buddhist monasterynear
> >my home in Taipei is going to establish a smalllirary
> >for Pali studies.Tepi.taka.m
> There's a set of the 1926-28 Syaamara.t.thassa
> (Pali Tipitaka of Siam) in 45 volumes at a libraryhere, so I
> haven't had any reason to order from Thailand.However this
> version was reprinted as late as 1995, so I'd thinkthere's a
> good chance copies are available. If you find agood ordering
> contact in Thailand I'd also be interested inhearing of it.
> There is also an edition from 1960-1990:
> Mahaacu.laatepi.taka.m (Pali Tipitaka of
> University), and an edition from 1987:Dayyara.t.thassa
> Sangiititepi.taka.m (Pali Tipitaka Council ofThailand). I
> don't know if these are currently in print.- - - - -
> best regards,
> /Rett
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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