Hello. I have a question about the reply of redlotustemple to this subject.

I think that
family life has 3 differences from a monk's life : (1) Having one close,
intimate person at your side as a wife\husband (2) Having kids (3) Having

With regards to the first one, I think it qualifies as "attachment" because if
one has developed equanimity to the fullest extent, one can live without (1).
Even though it is an option, if one feels that he Needs (1), I think it means he
did not evelop equanimity to the fullest extent.

With regards to the second one, I think
it is the same. If one feels that he Needs (2) , I think it is because of not
having developed equanimity to the fullest extent. (If one wants to have kids,
but does not feel he Needs that, I don't think it is because of that ).

With regards to
the third one, I think that it is "attachment to the sense of feeling with a
body" or something like that.

So, it seems to me that if someone has a Need for those,
it means he is not fully realized. So, the ideal practitioner, is a one that
feels that if he wants, he can become a monk. It is neccessary that he actually
becomes, as long that he feels that he can become. (I mean a person that is not
married yet. If someone is married, he has social obligations and then it is
another issue ).

Am I wrong somewhere?

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