nina van gorkom wrote:

>Dear Alan,
>Dmytro gives very good word explanations. Can there not be an exchange both
>ways? This is good for those who find it difficult to be a member of more
>op 13-01-2006 03:47 schreef Alan McClure op alanmcclure3@...:

Dear Nina,

It is not necessary to be a member of E-Sangha to read the threads. You
can read every post at the Pali group there without any membership at
all. It only requires membership if you want to post. John is already
a member, which is why I asked him if he could add his comment to the
E-sangha thread, or if I could add it for him. But, there is nothing
stopping the conversation from continuing here. So, the way I see it is
that having John's message over there is the exchange since everyone can
see what is over there without any subscription or membership.
Did you have something else in mind? I am all for new ideas to help
bring more Pali resources to people.

With metta,

E-Sangha Pali Forum: