
I would like to wish a happy new year to everyone. I am sorry I could
not post the solutions to Buddhadatta's exercises in the past 3 weeks,
but I was in Burma and for some strange reason the government there
has decided to block access to Yahoo, Hotmail, etc...

You will find below the answer to the last part of exercise 12.

With Metta,


9.Having cooked rice for the father, the maiden went to the pond with
her (female) friends.
pacitvaa / odana.m / pitussa / kaññaa / gacchi / pokkarani.m / saha /
Kaññaa pitussa odana.m pacitvaa sakhiihi saha pokkarani.m gacchi.

10.Having come from the wood, the damsel's father fell on the ground.
aagamma / a.taviyaa / kumaariyaa / pitaa / pati / bhuumiya.m
Kumaariyaa pitaa a.taviyaa aagamma bhuumiya.m pati.

11.The cows and oxen of the millionaire, having drunk from the tank,
entered the forest.
dhenuyo / ca / go.naa / se.t.thino / pivitvaa / vaapiyaa / pavisi.msu
/ a.tavi.m
Se.t.thino dhenuyo ca go.naa ca vaapiyaa pivitvaa a.tavi.m pavisi.msu.

12.Having bought a drum, the woman's sister gave (it) to her friend.
ki.nitvaa / dundubhi.m / vanitaaya / bhaginii / dadi / sakhiyaa
Vanitaaya bhaginii dundubhi.m ki.nitvaa sakhiyaa dadi.

13.Having gone to the forest along the river, our brothers killed a
gantvaa / a.tavi.m / nadi.m anu / amha.m / bhaataro / maaresu.m / siihi.m
Amha.m bhaataro nadi.m anu a.tavi.m gantvaa siihi.m maaresu.m.

14.The queen, having come to the king's tank, bathed there with her
retinue and walked in the garden.
raajinii / aagamma / bhuupaalassa / vaapi.m / nahaatvaa / tattha /
saha / parisaaya / acari / aaraame
Raajinii bhuupaalassa vaapi.m aagamma parisaaya saha tattha nahaatvaa
aaraame acari.

15.The she-crow, having sat on the branch slept there after crowing.
kaakii / nisiiditvaa / saakhaaya /sayi / tattha / ravitvaa
Kaakii saakhaaya nisiiditvaa ravitvaa tattha sayi.