Hello all,

Recently in another Pali forum, Dmytro and I have been talking about the
CSCD software and the problems that I , as a Windows XP user, am having
with the software. 50% of my searches crash the software, I can't print
on paper or to file any of the passages, and I certainly cannot copy any
of the text. I have tried a number of "fixes" including installing the
software manually, trying the Windows 95 emulation ability of XP, and
removing/reinstalling the software no less than 15 times. It still
doesn't work.

Dmytro uses Windows 98, and apparently doesn't have nearly the same
number of problems that I do, so I am thinking of creating a new
partition on my computer in order to install Windows 95 (for which the
CSCD was designed) or Windows 98, depending upon which is less expensive.

However, before I spend any money on these old operating systems, does
anyone here have any experience resolving these problems while still
being able to use Windows XP?

I don't always get error messages, but when I do, this is what I get:
Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library

Debug Assertion Failed!
Program: c:\CSCD\CSCD.exe
File: appui.cpp
Line: 177

The program then crashes every time. I don't know anything about C++,
or what this error means, or what I could do to fix it.

Anyway, Dmytro is working on figuring out a better way to search the
canon than the CSCD software, but until then, does anyone have some advice?

With metta,

E-Sangha Pali Forum: