Alan McClure wrote:

>Dear all,
>Here is the pali phrase that made me think of the question I'm about to ask:
>"Avijjaaya tveva asesaviraaganirodhaa sa’nkhaaranirodho"
>Regarding the first compound "asesaviraaganirodhaa," is it possible to
>say with complete certainty, based on the grammar alone, whether it means:
>"asesaviraagaa ca nirodhaa ca"
>"asesaviraaganaa ca asesanirodhaa ca"
>In other words, are two-member dvanda compounds with the addition of a
>preceding adjective taken to be "kammadhaaraya+noun" or
>"kammadhaaraya+kammadhaaraya," or could it be either, meaning that we
>must look to the context.
>I have scanned through my grammar books and it seems that the best I can
>find is in Coulson's "Teach Yourself Sanskrit" where it seems, though
>I'm not certain, like he is saying that a compound of this form would
>normally be glossed as "asesaviraaganaa ca nirodhaa ca" though it might
>not always be so.
>Thank you for your help.
>With metta,

Dear all,

Since I have not gotten a response to the above question, I am wondering
if the way I have asked the question makes it unclear? If it is
unclear, please let me know and I will rephrase it.

With metta,
