I found 21 suttas on Steadffast Mindfulness
Do you know any other suttas that are dealing with Steadffast
-Discourse on Analysis
-Discoutse on Cultivation of Steadffast Mindfulness
-Discourse on Knowing Rightly and Fully
-Discourse on Arahatship
-Discourse on Mindulness
-Discourse on Cultivating of Steadfast Minfulness
-Discourse on Desire
-Discourse on Neglect of Steadfast Mindfulness
-Discourse on Absence of Attachment
-Discourse on Things Previously Unheard
-Discourse with the reference on the Belle of the Land
-Discourse concerning a Brahma
-Discourse on Purifying Dhamma
-Discourse on What constitutes a Great Man
-Discourse given at Nalanda
-Discourse concerning Illness
-Discourse with the example of a cook
-Discourse concerning a monkey
-Discourse conserning a falcon
-Discourse on a Group of Demeritonous Factors
-Discourse given at Sala

With Metta