Gunnar Gällmo wrote:

>--- Walter Stanish <walter@...> skrev:
>>(Sinhalese and Lao I'm unsure about, but Burmese,
>>Khmer and Lao scripts
>>are perhaps still quite rare.
>Is there a Lao script? I thought the Lao language is
>written with Thai script.

Dear Gunnar,

I ran into this:


Lao alphabet


After the unification of the Lao principalities (meuang) in the 14th
century, the Lan Xang monarchs commissioned their scholars to create a
new script to write the Lao language. The scholars adapted an early
version of the Thai script, which was developed from the Old Khmer
script, which was itself based on Mon scripts. The modern Lao script
retains many aspects of the appearance of the early Thai script which
have disappeared from the modern Thai script


and also:

With metta,
