> It will be a while before I start work on it. In the meantime, I would
> like to invite everyone to give your opinions and comments. Thank you.

I'd love to participate in development. What kind of programming
language / database system were you planning to use?

For web-based projects I usually use PHP/MySQL, though I can also
program in Perl and would like an excuse to learn Python.

I'd be particularly interested to have a go at implementing a
'multiscript' view - ie: allowing a user to view the same Pali text
in a variety of Asian scripts. Mostly this should be fairly
straightforward, though I suppose there's probably a few special
code sequences for various rare glyphs that might require some
specialised rules.

Also, I happen to have recently registered for a 'three-domain' package
on a new hosting provider, and have a spare domain remaining. As
such I'm happy to pay for the domain name and pay hosting costs for
the project, if there is adequate interest in proceeding. If the
group agrees on a domain name then I'm happy to register it
immediately. paliscope.org?

- Walter Stanish
Jinghong, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China