At 18:45 05.10.2005 +0600, Bh. Nyanatusita wrote:

>Dear Pali Group,
>Would anyone know the precise references for the following two statements?
>1: "When Brahmins said that they could wash away their sins by bathing in
>sacred rivers, the Buddha joked that the water might wash away their good
>deeds also."

Maybe not exactly what you are looking for, but in Theriigaatha,
So.lasanipaata, the Therii Pu.n.naa makes exactly this joke about brahmans
and bathing. She also suggests that if bathing in sacred rivers was a way
to get to heaven, then surely crocodiles would go to heaven, too ... why,
heaven must be filled with fish and frogs, watersnakes, tortoises and
crocodiles .... :-)

Best regards,

Kåre A. Lie

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