9. Sikhii chattimhaa bhaayissati.
peacock / [of] possessor of umbrella / will be afraid
The peacock will be afraid of the possessor of umbrella.

10. Saarathii asse gaamamhaa harissati.
charioteer / horses / [from] village / lead
The charioteer will lead the horses from the village.

11. Tumhe maaliihi sasina.m olokessatha.
you / [with] possessors of garlands / moon / will look at
You will look at the moon with the possessors of garlands.

12. Balii daa.thino kaaya.m chindissati.
Powerful person / [of] tusker / body / will cut
The powerful person will cut the tusker's body.

13. Amhaaka.m mantino balino abhavi.msu.
our / ministers / powerful men / were
Our ministers were powerful men.

14. Se.t.thino maalino passissanti.
millionaires / possessors of garlands / will see
The millionaires will see those who have garlands.

15. Maya.m gehe odana.m bhuñjissaama.
we / [in] house / rice / will eat
We will eat rice in the house.