Hi Alan,
thank you very much. Great work, I appreciate this.
I only have a few alternatives, but of course, the way of translating
depends on the personal inclination of the translator.

phasso: sense contact: phassa is a cetasika arising with each citta, not
only with sense impressions. It arises also with thinking, it arises with
jhaanacitta which does not experience sense impressions. Here, in the D.O it
arises with vinnñaa.na which is vipaakacitta, result of kamma. Phassa also
arises with lokuttara citta that experiences nibbaana.
text: <And the four great elements and the derived form of the four
> great elements>.
Another option: the four great elements and the derived material phenomena.
This means: the other twentyfour ruupas that arise in dependence on the four
mahaabhuuta ruupas that are present in each group (kalapa) of ruupa. The
word 'form' for ruupa may confuse.
text: nirujjhanti. [ni+rudh III/ind act/3rd pl]they cease: this is passive
form of nirundhati. They are destroyed or they cease, as you translated. The
double jj form is often is passive. (Warder)