Hi Alan,

op 16-09-2005 17:46 schreef Alan McClure op alanmcclure3@...:

> Additionally, locative can also have the sense of "in the case of" ,
> "with reference to" , "in the situation of" and thus perhaps there could
> be "from cessation in the case of avijjaa," which sounds pretty good to me.
N: Avijjaa is the first link of the D.O. and this conditions the other
dhammas. But then the opposite happens: no more avijjaa and thus the link of
the D.O. stops.
Therefore, I am not so inclined to from cessation in the case of avijjaa.
There is the cessation of avijjaa, hence...
A> Speaking of the accusative case relation in compounds, if I understand
> things correctly, then accusative is used when someone is being spoken
> "to" rather than dative. In this case, would a compound such as
> "sariputtasutta.m" meaning "The discourse to Sariputta" be considered to
> have an accusative case relation then?
N: Here Ven. Pandita's relational grammar will be very useful, it explains
such things as you mention here.