Hi Alan and Rett,
op 13-09-2005 23:53 schreef Alan McClure op alanmcclure3@...:
> In attempting to do as Nina suggests in her message below I have found
> it difficult to think of or find in a grammar book, the following type
> of Kammadhaaraya compound:
> 3) substantive+adj
> I know that in English ice-cold is an example of this, but what would a
> Paa.li example be?
N: Looking it up in Warder, p. 108: akaalamegho: untimely cloud.
adhammakaaro: unlawful acting.
cakkaratana.m: wheel jewel, a jewel shaped like a wheel.
It is said the first member is an attribute of the second.
Perthaps we should not think so much of the English adjective. Rather: noun
functioning as adjective. That makes it much clearer.
I also read p. 256: In a tappurisa of kammadhaaraya the second member may be
said to predominate and the first member is subordinated to it. In an
avyayiibhaava the first member predominates. Here I need more examples.