
I have come by the belief that not all results, i.e.,
not everything that happens, is a result of kamma.
Allowance is made for things happening due to someone
else's unwholesome actions or even indeed allowance is
made for things happening in the natural world subject
to its own laws other than those of kamma.
I have also come by the belief that this is
exclusively a Theravadan idea. The Mahayana for
example do not make allowance for happenings that are
not the result of kamma.

Lastly, I have come by the belief that there is no
such thing as "collective kamma"; this was not taught
by the Buddha.

Is my understanding correct? Are these ideas
supported in the Pali Canon?
I live in North Carolina near the coast and near a
storm called Ophelia. No doubt this is why my mind
feels the need to review such things.

Thanking you in advance,


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