Hello Nina,

As before, I have mistakenly left the translation of "experience" when I
meant to revert back to "feeling." Initially I chose feeling. Then I
decided that experience might be better, but have since reverted to
feeling after speaking to Ven. Yuttadhammo about the issue at some
length. Thank you for pointing this out.

As for avijjaapaccayaa I've been thinking about this and here are my

I have said that this is a tappurisa compound. However, I am wondering
if this is actually the case. After all what is the case connection?
condition of ignorance (gen as in "belonging to")
condition for ignorance (dat)
condition from ignorance (abl)
condition by ignorance (ins)
condition at/in ignorance (loc)

I'm not sure that any of these work. paccayaa is definitely ablative
meaning "with condition/from the condition"
Would any of the above make sense in this context? I am thinking no.

(gen) From the condition belonging to ignorance/ignorance's condition
(this would mean that what conditions ignorance is also conditioning
kammic formations and this can't be)
(dat) From the condition for ignorance (has a similar meaning as above)
(abl) From the condition from ignorance (that the condition comes from
ignorance but is not ignorance?? seems odd)
(ins) From the condition by ignorance (doesn't make sense)
(loc) From the condition in ignorance (implies that there is a condition
in ignorance itself, but that there is more to ignorance that is not
this condition. This can't be)

What about a kammadhaaraya compound:

(nom) From the ignorance-condition arises kammic formations (In other
words from the condition which is ignorance [arises] kammic formations.
This seems right to me)

However, am I right or am I just fooling myself with a confused newly
acquired knowledge of compounds? I don't know. In light of what you
have commented below, however, I think that we may have a kammadhaaraya
compound and that I mis-analyzed it as tappurisa. Hopefully someone
else will weight in to clarify this for us.



Nina van Gorkom wrote:

>Hi Alan,
>op 10-09-2005 16:22 schreef Alan McClure op alanmcclure3@...:
>N: I am just reflecting on: Avijjaapaccayaa[tappurissa compound] With
>condition of ignorance.
>PTS translates: conditioned by.
>Perhaps this indicates more: it springs from this cause. This is the cause
>of that.
> As to the expression: with condition of: this could seem to be: possessing
>this condition. Or that it has this condition.
>But one dhamma is the condition for the arising of another dhamma. Sometimes
>the conditioned dhamma arises at the same time as the conditioning dhamma,
>sometimes before, sometimes afterwards.
>vedanaa: experience? I see the difficulty of using the English word feeling,
>but as to experience: it seems too general. All naamas, citta and cetasikas
>experience an object. Feeling experiences it in its own specific way, it
>'tastes' the flavour of the object.
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