Hi Alan,
op 10-09-2005 16:22 schreef Alan McClure op alanmcclure3@...:
> Pa.tipadaasutta.m.

N: I am just reflecting on: Avijjaapaccayaa[tappurissa compound] With
condition of ignorance.
PTS translates: conditioned by.
Perhaps this indicates more: it springs from this cause. This is the cause
of that.
As to the expression: with condition of: this could seem to be: possessing
this condition. Or that it has this condition.
But one dhamma is the condition for the arising of another dhamma. Sometimes
the conditioned dhamma arises at the same time as the conditioning dhamma,
sometimes before, sometimes afterwards.

vedanaa: experience? I see the difficulty of using the English word feeling,
but as to experience: it seems too general. All naamas, citta and cetasikas
experience an object. Feeling experiences it in its own specific way, it
'tastes' the flavour of the object.
