Dear Dr. Pind

Many thanks for your comment. Please give more suggestion on the
following translation of that passage.

'Insight leading to emergence' is called 'knowledge of the stability
of the Dhamma' because it proceeds, by way of non-delusion, in
the 'stability of the Dhamma', Dependent Origination.

It would be very much appreciated if you have time to explain more
about the usage of the term '-vasena', I found different usages in
Bhikkhu Bodhi's English translation of Abhidhammatthasangha, such
as 'according to', 'in the way of', 'because', 'on the occasion
of', 'by way of'.

with metta


May you be free from mental and physical suffering
May you be peaceful and happy.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]