From: jothiko
Message: 8803
Date: 2005-09-01
--- In, Nina van Gorkom <vangorko@...> wrote:
> Venerable Bhante,
> I thank you for your post. I did not follow the thread before this,
but I
> appreciate the way you write about your life story, in the way of
> Also your life as a bhikkhu, renunciation as a kind of death, being
> homeless, outside of society. About the burden.
> I also read in the Commentary that becoming a bhikkhu is like a new
> With appreciation and respect,
> Nina.
> op 24-08-2005 15:04 schreef jothiko op jothiko@...:
> > Self as memories, accumulated experience, familiar, recognized,
> > proved
> > `Educated' being, physical-mental phenomena, the `story',
> > And even that misled, mostly fabricated, glossed.
> >
> > How does one answer that?
> > Born of sankharas, there was so much ignorance