--- Florent Robert <flrobert2000@...> skrev:

> 6. The farmer's sons measure a heap of paddy.
> kassakassa / puttaa / mi.nanti / raasi.m /
> viihino
> Kassakassa putta viihino raasi.m mi.nanti

Should be "puttaa"

> 7. The serpent gets food from the poet.
> ahi / labhati / aahaara.m / kavimhaa
> Ahi kavimhaa aahaara.m labhati.

There are many pali words for "serpent";
etymologically closest, actually identical, is "sappa"
(sanskrit "sarpa"). "Uraga" is known from the first
sutta of the Suttanipaata, "naaga" is known by many
Westerners in its Hindi form "naag" through Kipling's
Jungle Book, etc.

