From: rjkjp1
Message: 8693
Date: 2005-08-22
> Dear Robert,classes
> Thank you for references.
> > At the present day, only the following Neyya and Padaparama
> > of individuals remain.this
> > If you can find the actual commentary that Ledi sayadwa took
> > from it I would appreciate it.Buddha
> Maybe it's based on the same commentary:
> "After the passing of the first thousand years (of the present
> Sà sana), which constituted the times of the Patisambhidhà -pattaArahant
> (Arahant possessing Analytical Knowledge), the period of thepresent
> Buddha SÃ sana comprises the times of the Neyya and Padaparamaclasses of
> individuals alone. At the present day, only these two classes ofanalytical
> individuals remain."
> Yet I wonder: according to the Atthakatha,
> "There will be one thousand years for Arahats who attain
> insight, one thousand years for Arahats without those attainments,one
> thousand years for Non-returners, one thousand years for Once-returners,
> and one thousand years for Stream-winners. After these fivethousand
> years of penetration of the true Doctrine (pativedha-sadhamma),[51] the
> accomplishment in the texts (pariyatti-dhamma) will remain. Afterthe
> accomplishment in the texts disappears, the signs (linga) willcontinue
> for a long time."possible
> Now 2,500 years have passed. So only Non-returning fruit is
> nowadays?
> Dmytro