Warder Exercises - [F003]
From: Alan McClure
Message: 8562
Date: 2005-08-15
Warder Exercises: [F003]
Exercise 3:
bhagavaa dhamma.m deseti
bhagavaa [m-ant/nom/sg] Blessed One
dhamma.m [m-a/acc/sg] Dhamma
deseti[dis VII/ind act/3rd sg] he teaches
The Blessed One teaches the Dhamma
raajaana.m va~ncesi
raajaana.m [m-an/acc/sg] king
va~ncesi[van~n VII/ ind act/2nd sg] you deceive
You deceive the king
upaasaka.m braahmana.m dhaareti
upaasaka.m [m-a/acc/sg] lay disciple
braahmana.m [m-a/acc/sg] priest
dhaareti[dha VII/ind act/ 3rd sg] he accepts
He accepts the priest as a lay disciple
raajaa purise aamanteti
raajaa [m-an/nom/sg] king
purise [m-a/acc/pl] people
aamanteti[aa+mant VII/ind act/3rd sg] he addresses
The king addresses the people
braahma.no brahmaana.m passati
braahma.no [m-a/nom/sg] priest
brahmaana.m [m-an/acc/sg] god
passati[pass I/ind act/3rd sg] he sees
The priest sees the god (Brahma)
raajaa khattiyo mahaamatta.m pucchati
raajaa [m-an/nom/sg] king
khattiyo [m-a/nom/sg] warrior
mahaamatta.m [m-a/acc/sg] minister
pucchati[pucch I/ind act/3rd sg] he asks
The king, who is a warrior, asks the minister
braahma.naa raajaana.m vadanti
braahma.naa [m-a/nom/pl] priests
raajaana.m [m-an/acc/sg] king
vadanti[vad I/ind act/3rd pl] they speak
The priests speak to the king
puriso bhaara.m cha.d.deti
puriso [m-a/nom/sg] person
bhaara.m [m-a/acc/sg] load
cha.d.deti[cha.d.d VII/ind act/ 3rd sg] abandons
The person abandons the load
eva.m kathenti
eva.m [ind/enc] thus/so
kathenti [kath VII/ind act/ 3rd pl] he tells/ he relates
Thus they relate
kaala.m paccaya.m pa~n~naapenti
kaala.m [m-a/acc/sg] Time
paccaya.m [m-a/acc/sg] condtion
pa~n~naapenti[pa+ (~n)~naa VII/ind act/3rd pl ] they declare
They declare that time is the condition
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