--- lighthisertim <lighthisertim@...> skrev:

> Venerable Sayadaw U Thittila, Aggamahapandita, wrote
> what follows in the Intro to his
> English trans of the Vibhanga published by the PTS.
> "Ideally, each volume of the Abhidhamma Pitaka shoud
> be studied in the proper order and
> in detail, under a skilled teacher, so that a
> comprehensive knowledge of the whole
> Buddhadhamma is gained".
> His bio info is here:
> <http://www.buddhism.ndirect.co.uk/biogrphy.htm>

When I click at that, I get the biography of the Ven.
Ledi Sayadaw, not of the Ven. U Thittila. Both are
higly respectable, but they are not identical.

