Hello all,

I have graduated with a BA in Religious Studies, and would like to go on in
Fall 2006 to study Pali language and literature and Sanskrit as well.

I have talked to Ven. Bhante Chao Chu who has lived in LA for some years now
and is familiar with many of the programs in the USA and he advised me to
think about the University of Wisconsin-Madison for a very good program in
an inexpensive area of the US.

I have since taken a look at the program, and it really looks like it is
what I want. However, lacking the experience to know of other schools and
how they relate makes me ask this question.

Are any of you familiar with other language and literature programs in the
US that cover Pali and Sanskrit and are considered to be excellent? And,
how would any of these programs compare to the Madison, Wisconsin program?

I appreciate your help.


Alan McClure