Hi Yifer,
op 31-07-2005 14:46 schreef yifertw op
> The first verse of SN 1.3.1 is:
> Naaphusanta.m phusati ca, phusanta~nca tato phuse;
> tasmaa phusanta.m phusati, appadu.t.thapadosinan.
> Ven. Bodhi's translation is:
> [It does not touch one who does not touch,
> But then will touch the one who touches.
> Therefore it touches the one who touches,
> The one who wrongs an innocent man.]
> My questions are:
> 1. There are two "it" in this verse, what does it stand for?
> Does it stand for "kamma" or these to sentence just to
> convince readers not to act that way?
> 2. There are 6 "touch" in this verse, what does it stand for
> respectively?
PTS footnote: two meanings of touch, an active one (performing kamma) and a
passive one: receiving the result of kamma, thus, vipaaka.
1: vipaaka will not come to (touch) the person who 2.does not commit kamma.
(touch, makes feel, commit kamma)
3. But then will touch (vipaaka will touch), 4 the one who touches (who
commits kamma)
5 Therefore it touches the one (vipaaka touches), 6 who touches (who commits
First part of your Q. may also be solved now.