Due to frustration with copyright restrictions when sharing work with
other Buddhists, I decided to make my wn set of fonts from scratch. I am
planning to release them under the GNU License agreement. The beta version
can be downloaded from this link:


The archive contains seven typestyles: regular, bold, italic, bold italic,
Small Capitals, Bold Small Capitals, and Heavy.

Your feedback will be invaluable. I have a friend who can add hinting
information to the fonts for me, but I wish to finalise the fonts before
asking him to do that, as hinting will be lost if any changes are made.
(Without hinting, the fonts won't look so good on screen at small sizes.
If you zoom in about 200% they look fine).

Feedback may be more approriate on this thread in the High-logic forum,
which also supports Image code in case you need to illustrate the changes
you think are necessary.


Bhikkhu Pesala