Sorry for not being able to post the answers very regularly lately. I don't always have access to
an internet connection since I am on holidays.
With metta,

1. Puttaa dhamma.m ugga.nhanti.
sons / doctrine / learn
The sons learn the doctrine.

2. Siiho miga.m maareti.
lion / deer / kill
The lion kills the deer.

3. Vaa.nijassa putto go.ne vikki.naati.
[of] merchant / son / oxen / sells
The merchant's son sells the oxen.

4. Maya.m vaa.nijamhaa mañce ki.naama.
we / [from] merchant / beds / buy
We buy the beds from the merchant.

5. Lekhako mittena magge gacchati.
clerk / [with] friend / [on] path / goes
The clerk goes on the path with a friend.

6. Daasaa mittaana.m sunakhe haranti.
slaves / [to] friends / dogs / carry
The slaves carry the dogs to the friends.

7. Kassako go.ne ki.naati.
farmer / oxen / buy
The farmer buys oxen.

8. Kaakaa aakaase u.d.denti.
crows / [in] sky / fly
The crows fly in the sky.

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