Dear Piya and friends,

please allow me to clarify the issue. While I appreciate and support
open learning, I have not expected Piya to broadcast something that
is offlist and private. The main concern, for me to inform Piya ahead
of releasing the message, is more about quality and focus than
anything else.

Back to open learning. It is certainly a good concept. And, I
certainly agree that we have to work hard to keep this an open forum.
However, we have to note that there are three types of people. (1)
People who respect this open forum, and cooperate to keep it open.
(2) People who do not respect this open forum, and make deliberate
and unmistakable attempts to spoil it. (3) People who do not respect
this open forum, and attempt to do damages indirectly.

Finally, about Yifer's message. As I have mentioned at the beginning
of this post, it is not so much about rudeness or openness. I now
have released the message. Piya, it's all yours now. :-)

Yong Peng.