--- Piya Tan <libris@...> skrev:

> The rise of Tantric Buddhism was like a double-edged
> sword: it answered the
> challenges of Brahmanism/Hinduism, esp Saivism, but
> at the same time, in copying the
> adversary, one in the end becomes the adversary. In
> due course, there is very little
> significant difference between the two systems.

We might compare with how the Catholic church copied
the organization of the Roman empire (including some
of its titles, such as Pontifex Maximus) - but in that
case, the copy survived the original.

> Early Buddhism as mind-training is a simple and
> effective method. But nationalism,
> simony, materialism, sense-indulgence,
> relic-worship, worship of the future Buddha,
> etc have taken over much of what we call Buddhism
> today.

I think nationalism - and, in Thailand, monarchism -
are especially dangerous; religion and power make a
nasty mixture.

> Hopefully no curfew is violated in this winding and
> rambling answer which has little
> to do with Pali, except in the semantic sense (Pali
> also means that which protects).
> We need to speak out for what we love and value.

The curfew was imposed for the period 14-24 of June,
so I think we are free to ramble a little again.

