Dharma friends,

Asalha Puja (rains retreat entrance) is on 21st July.
I wonder if Ajahn Sujato or any bhikkhu can confirm this year's
(1) Pavarana Day (this is the day before the breaking of retreat)
(2) End of vassa (ork phansaa, in Thai).

The Vipassana.com calendar I consulted online, says that Pavarana is on
18th July, without mentioning end of vassa day.

(3) Anapanasati Day (Kattika Punnama or Kattika Puja): is this 16
This is the day when the Anapana,sati Sutta was first delivered.

I am also happy to say that we have begun our Sutta Discovery classes on

"The Satipatthana Suttas" at the Buddhist Fellowship and Brahm Education
Centre here in Singapore.
We will be studying Ajahn Sujato's GIST and reconstruction of the
Satipatthana Sutta.

