Sentences written by Yifer:[ The reason we go to SN Verses 796 to
803 is: We are reading S1.2.10 Samiddhi, and find it difficult to
explain why Bhikkhus should not perceive "I am superior", "I am
equal" or "Iam inferior". We propose the Paramatthaka Sutta of SN
may echo or is the sources of it.
Sentences written by Rett:
[ It would be interesting to hear what sorts of conclusions your
group reaches from this study. This verse might connect with your
question in that it seems to say that the true sage steps out of the
field of debate altogether, yet doesn't even consider himself
superior for that reason. This would appear different from other
parts of the canon where monks are trained in debating techniques
and ways to win arguments with members of other sects. Thanks for
the interesting questions.]

Dear Rett,
Most of cases, your answer does give me a lot of help.
But, this time I pondered over the issue you raised
as above-stated.
Do you just say it in irony, are you teasing me,
are you serious, or are you seriously playful? :-)
According to S1.2.10:
Samo visesi uda va nihino, yo mannati so vivadetha tena;
Tisu vidhasu avikampamano, samo visesiti na tassa hoti.
We traced back to: Ver 799 & 800,
We propose that there might be two possibilities against "tayo
1. You may judge: this is a better way, a correct path to
emancipation, a righteous life. But, if you perceived as "I am
superior", "I am equal" or "Iam inferior", you were clung to
the "Selfness, Attan".
2. It should be explained by the verses of both
(788~795) and suttas. For perceptions of "I am
superior", "I am equal" or "Iam inferior" should not based on
", Sute, Mute and Siilavate", it is not for everything.
Please criticize it so as to help the brginners.
Dear Rett,
I am greedy.
In addition to take advantages from you to learn pali word by
word, I ask for your favor to explain these two suttas word by word,
and add an instructive summary to both Suttas.
Again, I confess that I do learn Pali from your answer, I want to
learn more teachings in addition to words and grammar.

By the way, the remarks 37 on page355 of {The connected discourses
of Buddha} by Bhikkhu Bodhi, does not give an explicit explanation
of why we should not perceive as "I am superior", "I am equal"
or "Iam inferior". Is this statement fair to his remark 37?