At 03:46 25.06.2005 +0000, Dhammanando wrote:

>Dear KŒre,
> > I think it might be of interest both to yourself, to the
> > list and especially to Hr. Ulrich Stiehl to know that such a
> > work already exists.
> > Bhikshu Dharmarakshita: "Dhammapada, mula pali, sanskrit
> > chaya aur hindi anuvada", Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi 1983,
> > 1993, 1999.
> > As the title implies, this book contains the Pali text of
> > the Dhammapada, with Sanskrit and Hindi translation of each
> > verse.
>I wonder, have you actually seen a copy of this text? If
>not, then I would be doubtful about whether the title
>implies that it includes a Sanskrit translation. I should
>have thought it would mean "Dhammapada muulapaalii, Sanskrit
>parallel passages (chAyA), and (aur) Hindi translation (anuvAda)."

Yes, I have this book in my shelves. It is all in Devanagari, and each
verse in Pali is followed by a clear and faithful translation into Sanskrit
and by a translation (which I am less competent to evaluate) into Hindi.

I suppose the reason for the title using two different words (chaya and
anuvada), may be that the Sanskrit translation is in verses that follow the
Pali text closely, and the Hindi translation is in prose.

Best regards,

Kåre A. Lie

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]