Dear KŒre,

> I think it might be of interest both to yourself, to the
> list and especially to Hr. Ulrich Stiehl to know that such a
> work already exists.

> Bhikshu Dharmarakshita: "Dhammapada, mula pali, sanskrit
> chaya aur hindi anuvada", Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi 1983,
> 1993, 1999.

> As the title implies, this book contains the Pali text of
> the Dhammapada, with Sanskrit and Hindi translation of each
> verse.

I wonder, have you actually seen a copy of this text? If
not, then I would be doubtful about whether the title
implies that it includes a Sanskrit translation. I should
have thought it would mean "Dhammapada muulapaalii, Sanskrit
parallel passages (chAyA), and (aur) Hindi translation (anuvAda)."

Best wishes,
