The Second Dream

King Pasenadi:
dutiyaa'ha.m, bhante, eva.m addasa.m:
second / I / venerable sir / thus / saw
The second [dream] I saw, venerable sir, [was] like this:

khuddakaa rukkhaa c'eva gacchaa ca pathavi.m bhinditvaa
small / trees / and / only / bushes / and / through earth / having broken
Trees and bushes that were only small, having broken through the earth,

vidatthimattampi ratanamattampi anuggantvaa'va pupphanti c'eva phalanti ca.
hand-span-measure / just / cubit-measure / just / having reached / only / blossom
/ and / just / bear fruit / and
[though] having reached only one or two spans, blossomed and bore fruit.

ima.m dutiya.m addasa.m, imassa ko vipaakoti?
this / second / I saw / of this / what / ripening
This is the second [dream] I saw. What [will be] the outcome of it?

Venerable sir, this is what I saw in the second dream: Trees
and bushes that were only small, having broken through the
earth and grown to only one or two spans, blossomed and bore
fruit. This is what I saw in my second dream. What will be
the outcome of it?



This is the shortest of the dreams. I expect the King was only
having a quick snooze when he dreamed it.

Best wishes,
