Pali - Every few days - [C268]

From: John Kelly
Message: 8011
Date: 2005-06-25

Pali - Every few days - [C268]
Warder - Exercise 21 (page 176)
Passages for Reading 2 (Part 28 of 41)

rattin-divesu pa~n~naayamaanesu, maas-addha-maasaa
with night-days / with appearing / months-half-months
/ they appeared
with the appearance of night and day, months and
fortnights appeared;

maas-addha-maasesu pa~n~naayamaanesu,
utu-sa.mvaccharaa pa~n~naayi.msu.
with months-half-months / with appearing /
seasons-years / they appeared
with the appearance of months and fortnights, seasons
and years appeared;

te maya.m rasa-pa.thavi.m paribhu~njantaa tam-bhakkhaa
tad-aahaaraa cira.m diigham addhaana.m a.t.thamhaa,
these / we / essence-earth / eating / this-feeding /
that-food / for a long time / long / period / we
and we remained eating this earth-essence and feeding
on it as our food for a very long time,

tesa.m no paapakaana.m ~neva akusalaana.m dhammaana.m
paatubhaavaa rasa-pa.thavii antaradhaayi.
to them / to us / of evil / also / of unwholesome / of
things / appearance / essence-earth / disappearance
and on account of the evil, unwholesome things among
us, the earth-essence disappeared.

Metta, John

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