At 05:01 PM 17-06-05, you wrote:
>You will also notice a fall in membership. This is because I have
>removed the "bouncing members", those whose email addresses are no
>longer valid or accessible.

It may not be a good idea to do that as some members with invalid email addresses in Yahoo!Groups may be joining the forum through the website. They would still be able to join though if non-members are allowed to post, but that of course would invite spams too. But as always, you're the owner/manager. You decide.

>2. This list is not used for preaching. It is for open-minded
>interactions and discussions. For those who are beyond Pali, please
>keep in mind the central theme of the group is "Pali-focused, Nikaya-
>centric". Please avoid going beyond Pali sources as much as possible.

Are comparisons with non-Pali sources allowed?

>3. This list is not a dumping ground of "scholarly ideas". For those
>with such ideas, please avoid an academic oevrtone as much as
>possible. Also, please keep to the preliminaries as much as possible.

I agree that is a bit vague and subjective. But I suppose the group will get the idea after some "failed" postings.

>2. The remaining messages will be in a queue, and reviewed only on a
>daily basis. I will only release a suitable number of them so as not
>to overload myself and the group. Any unsuitable message will be
>removed from the queue without notice.

Good idea.

But I think it would make your job much easier if (as Rett and others have pointed out) the actual thing that prompted this changeover is dealt with directly. I support the idea of quick suspension of members who have shown unruly behaviour and, if necessary, banning incorrigible ones. I think that the manager should be firm and need not be feel sorry about that for the sake of harmony in the group.


Kumâra Bhikkhu

A liberal is a man too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel. ~Robert Frost