From: oselok
Message: 7956
Date: 2005-06-15
> How usable are those two forum formats for slow internet connections?Highly usable. Firstly, people with slow connection can read only
> One thing about yahoogroups, even for high speed internet, is theway they force
> you to view ads (for non-email usage)By the way, the browsers like Mozilla Firefox or Maxthon provide an
> The googlegroups looks like it might take care of theway of
> threading issue, and maybe they have a less intrusive and annoying
> showing ads.The ads in Google groups are now text-only.
> The other message board format you listed below is structuredbetter to
> organize topics cleanly, and has some advantages such as allowingmoderators
> to move threads around. So for example the especially valuablethreads can
> be moved into an FAQ group for future generations to view.And threads devoted to specific Pali terms can gradually evolve over
> Is it still common for email members to not have web accessanymore? This
> email list format is truly cumbersome and outmoded, and we shouldabandon it
> as soon as it's feasible.Well, I think that this email list format is suitable for communities