--- In Pali@yahoogroups.com, "Stephen Hodge" <s.hodge@...> wrote:

You are incorrigible. In the above, you seem to be indulging yet again in
the things you deplore. Your language and tone here again shows a lack of
respect for the views of others. Don't you realize that "paravaadii" is
a relative term ? Perhaps it would lessen the unpleasant atmosphere here
if everybody stopped using this judgmental and intentionally hurtful

I agree.

I am only an occasional visitor to this list — I usually visit to get some
help with Pali. Of late I see far too much bickering going on. Patience is
an admirable virtue, but it is simpler to just delete all such posts
immediately rather than responding to them on the list. Members will soon
realise what is unsuitable for this list, and you won't waste your
precious time trying to reason with them.

It is a basic principle of online debate that one should attack the ideas,
not the person. Personal attacks should not be tolerated.

I would have emailed you off-list, but your email is private.

Please clean up all abusive and off-topic posts so that we can find the
relevant posts more easily. You can delete this message too.