Dear Robert,

> I have an idea too. Why not leave it up to the able skills
> of Yong Peng, the list owner and founder, to decide what
> subjects are suitable and what are not.

As several members have of late voiced dissatisfaction with
the current state of the list I think it may be an opportune
time to ascertain whether this feeling is a general one.
Maybe it isn't; maybe a majority of our five hundred and
something members are actually quite content with diffuse
and free-ranging discussions that have only the most tenuous
connection with Pali. Should that prove to be the case, then
I know that this is not the list for me, nor is it a list to
which I would want to refer anyone who is serious about
learning Pali or discussing Pali-related topics.

On the other hand, if the dissatisfaction is widespread,
then it seems appropriate to call into question the current
posting charter and to propose alternatives to it. It of
course goes without saying that any decision on these
proposals will rest with the list owner.

Best wishes,
