Dear Florent and friends,

I would like to thank Florent for his generous contribution to the
group. So far, there have been five Pali Day by Day series. Here is a

Series A: Pali Primer (completed)
Series B: A New Course in Reading Pali (completed)
Series C: Introduction to Pali
Series D: An Elementary Pali Course
Series E: The New Pali Course Part I

More information of these series and solutions are available here:

The schedule Florent and I have agreed upon is as follows:
Series D: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Series E: Tuesday, Thursday

The speed at which each book will be completed is up to the
individual doing the postings. We have, however, agreed not to do
more than a part of an exercise each week. An exercise typically has
two parts (translate into English, translate into Pali).

At this point in time, I think it is also good to review the progress
of Series D. We are currently at Lesson 21, which is close to
completing all the exercises. Next month, we shall proceed to work on
the selected Pali texts at the end of the book. That could well take
us right up to the end of the year.

Privately, I have just finished exercise in Lesson 23. I will spend
some time reading the remaining three lessons before proceeding with
the selected passages.

So much for the update, Florent and I shall look forward to your
participation in the discussions.

Yong Peng.