My name is Florent. I am a French national who is
living in Manila, Philippines and teaching French to
teenagers in an International School. I have been
practising Vipassana meditation (Goenka school) for a
couple of years and have always been interested to
learn Pali but could never find a teacher. Finally I
was lucky to meet by sheer chance the only Singhalese
buddhist monk living in the Philippines, who also
happens to be proficient in several languages, among
which Pali and Sanskrit. Although Bhante will
unfortunately be going back to Sri Lanka very soon, he
agreed to teach me the basics of Pali. Finding a book
was not an easy task either but Bhante got hold of
"The new Pali course Part 1&2" by Prof. A.P.
Buddhadatta, Maha Nayaka Thero. Part 1 comprises 28
exercises and I will be sharing my answers
(after correction from Bhante) every Tuesday and
Thursday. I also have quite a few recordings (in MP3
format) of the exercises read by Bhante.
With metta,

The new Pali Course
Exercise 1A: Translate into English

1. Manussaana.m.
For the men.

2. Purise.

3. Hattha.m.
The hand.

4. Paadamhi.
On the leg.

5. Kaayena.
With the body.

6. Buddhesu.
On the Buddhas.

7. Dhamma.m.
The Doctrine.

8. Sa`nghamhaa.
From the community.

9. Suriye.

Of the tree.

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