Pali - Every few days - [C256]

From: John Kelly
Message: 7622
Date: 2005-05-23

Pali - Every few days - [C256]
Warder - Exercise 21 (page 176)
Passages for Reading 2 (Part 16 of 41)

ye kho pana te Vaase.t.thaa tena samayena sattaa
passanti methuna.m dhamma.m pa.tisevante, a~n~ne
pa.msu.m khipanti, a~n~ne se.t.thi.m khipanti, a~n~ne
gomaya.m khipanti.
whoever / indeed / but / these / Vasettha (and
Bharadvaja) / at that / time / beings / they saw / sex
/ thing / indulging / others / dirt / throw / others /
ash / throw / others / cow dung / throw
But, Vasettha and Bharadvaja, when other beings saw
them indulging in sexual intercourse, some threw dirt,
others threw ash, and others threw cow-dung,

nassa asuci, nassa asucii ti.
perish / impure one / perish / impure one /
saying, “Perish, impure one! Perish impure one!”

katha.m hi naama satto sattassa eva-ruupa.m karissatii
how / for / indeed / being / to a being / such-form /
one will do / (end-quote)
and, “How could one do such a thing to another?”

Metta, John

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