Hi Stephen,

> > "Ten thousand of the of the Vajjiputtaka bhikkhus[after spliting
> > from the good monks] seeking adherents among themselves, formed a
> > school called the Mahasanghika
> This is completely erroneous: the Vatsiputrikas were
Pudgalavadins, the
> Mahasanghikas were not -- there is absolutely no doctrinal
> between them.

I think there's a slip-up here. The Vajjiputtakas (so-called in the
Vinaya Culavagga, though not a recognized school as such) have
nothing to do with the Vatsiputrika Pudgalavadins.

Thanks for your references. I've been trying to find Frauwallner's
book on the Earliest Vinaya for ages, and there don't seem to be any
available. Do you know where they can be obtained?

in Dhamma

Bhante Sujato