--- In Pali@yahoogroups.com, "Bhante Sujato" <sujato@...> wrote:
> >
> Another related problem is bhikkhuni ordination: traditional
> Theravadins remain opposed to this, partly because they often
> believe that 'Mahayana' monastics are not really bhikkhus and
> bhikkhunis (if they are even Buddhists). Only ignorance of the
> closeness of the monastic codes can sustain this belief - especially
> in view of the fact that Chinese bhikkhuni ordination stemmed
> originally from Sri Lanka!
> =============
Dear Venerable Sujato,

If I follow your reasoning Mahayana monks and Bhikkhus follow the same
vinaya and ordination procedures as the Theravada. Hence they are in
fact really Theravada monks and Bhikkhuni? Just happen to wear
different robes and a few things?