Dear Kåre

> I can't help feeling that the story in the Sakkapanhasutta was
told as a
> joke, although a joke with a deeper and more serious meaning.

Yes, the humor in the Pali canon is really delightful - very gentle,
yet with a serious sting in the tail...Most characteristically used
in just such contexts - to take the micky out of God.

I think there is something very insightful going on here. Using
humor in such contexts undercuts a key aspect of religions, their
solemnity. This is crucial to the religions being able to impress
their truths on an audience. It is part of the whole creation of
charisma and authority. Since religions as a rule cannot rely on
evidence to back their claims, they must induce faith through
overawing the devotees. Pricking this pomosity is a remarkably
effective way of disempowering a religion's claim to authority.

Buddhism, incidentally, is not excluded!

in Dhamma

Bhante Sujato