Of course, the origin of life on Earth is not the same
thing as the origin of the universe, so the two
theories don't logically exclude each other.


--- Ong Yong Peng <yongpeng.ong@...> wrote:
> Dear John and friends,
> you may like to know the latest scientific research
> reveals that our
> universe started in a liquid state, which exists for
> a tiny fraction
> of a second after the Big Bang!
> This somehow coincide with the Aganna Sutta, in
> which the Buddha
> talked about "one world of water" ... "at one time"!
> Although, more commonly, people interpreted this to
> match an earlier
> scientific theory that life began in the ocean.
> It will be interesting if we can have a detailed
> study of Aganna
> Sutta.
> References:
> http://www.swissinfo.org/sen/swissinfo.html?
> siteSect=143&sid=5696818&cKey=1113845722000
> metta,
> Yong Peng.
