Dear John and friends,

thanks again. You are right. The solutions shall be updated

Yong Peng.

--- In, John Kelly wrote:

Ven Yuttadhammo is correct. The translation you have for #5:
"Hence, I shall go on the seventh day."
really means in idiomatic English:
"Thus, I shall go on the seventh day."
Whereas, the Pali really means:
"I shall go on the seventh day hence."
or: "I shall go on the seventh day from now."
The most idiomatic translation in my opinion would be:
"I shall go in seven days time."

> > --- In, Ven. Yuttadhammo wrote:
> >
> > > 5. Ito sattame divase aha.m gamissaami.
> > > Hence, I shall go on the seventh day.
> >
> > I am not sure, but I wonder if this really means "I shall go
seven days hence (i.e. seven days from now)."