Dear Ven. Yuttadhammo and friends,

Bhante: thanks. I think we can probably rewrite the English sentence
a bit to facilitate better rendering in Pali.

They took the Threefold Refuge together with the Five Precepts today.
te / yaaci.msu (requested) / tisara.nena saha / paƱcasiilaani / ajja
Te ajja tisara.nena saha pa~ncasiilaani yaaci.msu.

What do you think?

Yong Peng.

--- In, Ven. Yuttadhammo wrote:

> 9. They took the Three Refuges and the Five Precepts today.
> Te ajja tiini sara.naani ca paƱca siilaani ca rakkhi.msu.

This is correct, I think, but just a note that the standard word
for "Three Refuges" is "" (nt. sing.), as in the "threefold

Also, I don't know what verb I would have used here... I'm thinking
that "rakkh" might not be suitable for "taking", especially in
context of the three refuges. The only thing I can think of is to
say "te ajja gatvaa pa~ncasiilaani rakkhi.msu", but that
is further from the literal :) Maybe "te ajja tisara.nena saha
pa~ncasiilaani samaadiyi.msu (took upon themselves)", or "te ajja
tisara.nena saha pa~ncasiilaani yaaci.msu (requested)" which is in
accordance with the customary way of taking refuges and precepts...